
My wife's "Little Trash Bag"


Adam, Annie, Josan and Calvin said...

hahahahaha!!! thats funny that Kaisi does that! But we re not ALL like that you know;) I have 5 purses at the most and all you can find in there is chapstick, a wallet and somtimes a binky when I m taking Josan out!!:D

kaysi van dyke fox said...

beef jerky & cookie crumbs...seriously nick?? hahaha. nice over exaggeration!!!

Unknown said...

ha hah alol this is so cute! its ok kaysi my purse is the same granted there is no beef jerky or cookie crumbs lol

chloƩ said...

haha, seriously, it sounds like he was describing my purse. except i don't have hair extensions in there. but i think at one point in my life i did... anyway, this post was cute :) i love when husbands blog!

Foxs said...

haha, I LOVE this!! Kaysi, I switch bags all the time and don't always clean them all the way when I switch. It is amazing what I find in a bag that I haven't used in a couple of months. Nick, it is just the life of a girl!!

kaysi van dyke fox said...

hahaha, don't judge me!! i sware it looks worse than it is.... hahaha. ok maybe not!

Candice said...

i know it's random, but i actually do have beef jerky in my purse right now... probably not cookie crumbs, but still! I have cough drops and antihistamines and I'm pretty sure i haven't been sick since before Christmas!!